Monday, July 13, 2009

6 months

We just got Ivorie's six month pictures back. They turned out so cute and were a lot of fun to do! I still can't believe how old my baby is! It's hard to think that just half a year ago, she was still inside and we were anxiously awaiting her arrival. Ivorie is growing up too fast. She still hates to eat food unless it is in a bottle. Any suggestions on how I can get her to eat food other than just milk?!


Heather said...

Did you try mixing the cereal in with her jarred foods? Works like a charm for my kids! Anyway, can't believe she's already six months old! I tried to warn you how fast time flies! ;) Let's get together soon!

Heather said...

P.S. ADORABLE pictures!! Love them all!!

Brittany and Johnse said...

Ivorie is so beautiful!!