Friday, February 18, 2011


 INTRODUCING, the newiest member of the BALDWIN CLAN.........................................................................................................................................................

It's a BOY!!!! and we are naming him ARCH Bishop:)

 haha okay I know that was mean to do but I couldn't help myself. However Arch Bishop is the newest addition to our home.

 Bub was so excited when he got his Elk back from the taxidermy we had to celebrate and have a mini ELK HANGING PARTY.
 Thanks for all the hanging help Ryan and for the laughs bai, saw, and soap.
Don't you just love what I get to look at DAILY while I eat, watch t.v, clean, etc........:)
Bub congrats again on finally getting to hunt and hang up the long awaited  elk ARCH BISHOP.

(p.s. NO we really do not no what we are having)

1 comment:

The Baldwin's said...

nice elk bub. you stink nicole.