Sunday, January 25, 2009

Picture contest

Ivorie, and I are in a photo contest and we need all your votes to win!! Please go to

and vote for us. Ivorie is #33 and I'm #43. You can vote for three pictures, once a day, everyday, per e-mail address and computer, until the contest closes next Saturday. Please go on there and vote a few times for us!

If you don't know who to give your third vote to my friend Heather and her baby are in the contest, too. Their pictures are number #19 and #28.


Brittany and Johnse said...

I voted for you! GOOD LUCK!

Bailey Baldwin said...

Hi Nicole! Thanks for your nice comment, we're having SO much fun! Taking pictures made me excited to get Ivorie and Sawyer together.. I need to get on and vote for you guys.. So how is everything going?